Medical Dictionary
emotion e·mo·tion (ĭ-mō'shən)
An intense mental state that arises subjectively rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes.
An intense mental state that arises subjectively rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes.
Mr Robbins believes that we only want 'things' in our lives because it will make us feel a certain way. For example; a new car will make you feel excited and proud; a new relationship will make you feel excited, happy, loveable, passionate. All we really want is 'feelings/emotions' and that we can create or change our own feelings at will.
Mr Robbins asserts that the body can teach the mind what to feel and changing the way your body moves will change the emotion you are feeling. So if you are feeling depressed your body will reflect this by sloping shoulders, shallow breathing, eyes focused downwards and maybe even a need for inactivity. If you change this and pull your shoulders back, breath deeply, look upwards and become active you will change your emotional state.
Well, I do believe that your body quite literally reads your mind. Many illnesses can be sourced to repressed emotions. Essentially emotions are energy, and energy wants to move freely and easily. If we repress this energy it doesn't just simply disappear. At some point it will move to the weakest point in your body and appear as an illness or make that part of the body even weaker than before.
At Manage Your Emotions we believe that 'Emotions are action giving transmitters.' They mostly want you 'to do' something or not do something to make your life balanced. In order to allow your emotions to flow through your body you need to firstly acknowledge them, understand their message and then take action (move) to do what ever it is you need to do with that message. Making bodily movements will allow you to help the emotions to flow through you rather than remain stuck within you.
I feel that Mr Robbins certainly has a very good method of changing how you are feeling in the here and now. However, this method may be a 'plaster on the wound' way of treating your emotions. In other words, changing the movement of your body will allow for a shift in the emotions, but the emotions you are probably trying to shift will be the dark uncomfortable ones which usually have the most urgent of messages for you. If they go unacknowledged they will come back again and again in many various ways until you listen to even the smallest part of the message. I would ask people first to acknowledge 'how' you are feeling and understand why you are feeling this way, then make the change in body movements. This will then be a concious act, a way of transforming that energy into action. That way you will feel more comfortable for longer and the painful emotion won't have the need to come back and send you the same message again, again and again.